Saturday, October 31, 2009


Here's Ariane, Vicky's friend in Chrissy's fuzzy dice costume

This is one of our favourite families in our ward.

Chrissy and her loot (POSEUR!!) Hehe

Ariane and her loot

Vicky and her loot

Chrissy's friend Savannah and her loot
Savannah, dressed as a nerd, and chrissy, as a fuzzy dice

Ariane, as a dark angle, Vicky as a fairy, and Oreo as a fairy


Hey guys, it's Sarah, (who else!!) So, as I'm sure you all know, today was Halloween and, as you may have guessed.... I'M A LITTLE SUGAR HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, as you may have realized, the pitures and everything are in reverse order, and I'm too lazy to fix it!! (Hehe) But at least you got to see the pics... Chrissy and Vicky each invited a friend over and had a nice little party, before everyone got there though, we decided to decorate the basement, so here's a video of our mad decorating skills, (turn your head to the left when you watch it; I'm technologically challenhed today!!) (and just so you know, there's no sound.)

1 comment:

  1. How fun!!! Happy Halloween! I tried to comment on your blog about a week ago but it wouldn't let me. Anyway, I wish they gave away some of those yummy candybars down here for Halloween. Probably a good thing though....
