Monday, December 28, 2009

Hi everyone, this is Sarah, and I have no pictures for you today. I have set up my own blog, specifically for my own pictures, if you would like to see it the adress is . From now on, this will be where I post my pictures.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Alright, more pictures, not of people, our class got a ''macro'' assignment, wich is being super-close to something so that it is hard to guess what it is. Some of theese pictures aren't as ''macro'' as others, but i really like them!!!
This first picture has not been touched-up, it's just straight out of the camers, and it might be good enough to get published in the year book!!!! :D i'm so proud of this picture!!!!!

See if you can guess what they all are!!!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Here's Ariane, Vicky's friend in Chrissy's fuzzy dice costume

This is one of our favourite families in our ward.

Chrissy and her loot (POSEUR!!) Hehe

Ariane and her loot

Vicky and her loot

Chrissy's friend Savannah and her loot
Savannah, dressed as a nerd, and chrissy, as a fuzzy dice

Ariane, as a dark angle, Vicky as a fairy, and Oreo as a fairy


Hey guys, it's Sarah, (who else!!) So, as I'm sure you all know, today was Halloween and, as you may have guessed.... I'M A LITTLE SUGAR HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, as you may have realized, the pitures and everything are in reverse order, and I'm too lazy to fix it!! (Hehe) But at least you got to see the pics... Chrissy and Vicky each invited a friend over and had a nice little party, before everyone got there though, we decided to decorate the basement, so here's a video of our mad decorating skills, (turn your head to the left when you watch it; I'm technologically challenhed today!!) (and just so you know, there's no sound.)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hey everyone!!! This is Sarah bringing you some more pictures!!! YAYY!!! I've noticed that our blog hasn't exactly been up-to-date so today I made sure I brought home some more pictures!!! Now, I'm sure yoou are all aware of my obsession with photoshop..... however, some of these pictures have had no modification what so ever. Enjoy!!!! (By the Way, this time around, I forgot to put the originals first, so just keep in mind that the edited pictures are frst and the originals second)

Railing at my school;



This is my wonderful model Claire, who posed patiently while I took the photo from the best possible angle. THANKS CLAIRE!!!♥♥

So, that's it for now, I'll try to blog more often (and get my mom to do the same!!!)

Hopefully you are all well!!!!!!!!!


Monday, September 28, 2009

Back to Basics

So... It has been a while and we are way behind but I did get a new toy a couple of weeks ago and thought I would share.

One of my home teachers was talking to me about photography and the difference between digital and film. I told him I missed my film camera dearly and that although digital is great for many things I will always favour film. Next Month he brought me his old Minolta manual fim camera which was similar to the one I had and gave it to me. I was so happy. Of course I arranged a picnic at the park the next Sunday so I could test it out. I even still had some black and white film in my freezer. Take a look at some of the great photo's I got!

Aren't they CUTE!!!!!! Now I have 5 camera's almost one for every day of the week.

More Photoshop

Hey everyone, this is Sarah again bringing you some more photo shop pictures from school, I didn't have enough class time to send them all to my home computer, but I took the best ones. Once again you can see my obsession for distorting color. Again, the originals are up first and the edited ones are after... Oh yeah, and these ones I actually took myself!! Let me know what you think!!!!


Sunday, September 27, 2009


So, this probably isn't going to be exciting for you guys, but I was bored and decided to see if I could give this blogging thing a try (f.y.i. in case you didn't guess this, this is Sarah). As you may know, I am obsessed with taking pictures (I get that from my mother) and so, this year at school, I was lucky enough to get into a photography class, and lately, I've been obsessed with Photo shop. My best work is at school, and I'll see if I can get it on here soon, but in the meantime, here are some of the pictures I've played around with. I will put the originals up first, and then the finished product on after it, let me know what you think!!

and then the ''after''

Here's another one,
Chrissy doesn't really like this one... I wonder why??? :)

here's the ''after''

I have a TON of more exciting ones at school, but I thought our blog was looking a little sad, I'll try to put up the better ones some time this week!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Vicky's Party

So tonight we made RIBS at Vicky's request for Dinner as it is Vicky's Birthday, and then Black Forest cake for dessert. Vicky wanted Kevin to draw Christy, Oreo, and Pooh Bear on her cake. (We all think that Oreo looks a little like a pig but it was a great effort)

Jace even helped her blew out her candles. Aren't they cute!! Wes, Tara and Baby Noah even joined us for cake.

It turned out that the gel that we used to decorate the cake has a lot of color die in it.

Look at all the cute presents she got so far and we missed taking a picture of the card Savannah made for her and the money she got. She was excited to get more money to spend here in the US.

I am even getting better at this blogging stuff!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY VICTORIA!!!
So.... as I am new to this and Tiffany is having a nap, these posts are in reverse order. Please start at the bottom and work your way up and I will be smarter next time and not try to do a whole week's worth of fun in one day.